
05 October 2011

Honda City Special Edition - RM92,890 - 500 unit only

Honda Malaysia will produce a run of 500 unit Honda City Special Edition. It is basically nothing more than a Honda City with full Modulo body addenda, and Advanced Nanotechnology Solar Control Film with color choice limited to Tafetta White and Polished Metal. It also comes with special engraved series number (1-500) on the door sill plate.
The Modulo bodykit packaged is officially priced at RM4,750. Honda says the accessories fitted to the car
worth RM6,000 so perhaps the rest is the tint and engraved sill plate cost. The selling price however is RM92,890, just RM2,500 more than the Grade E Model. Worth it? Your money so your decide. Quick check on Motortrader MaxPower page shows the price of non-original Modulo is......, well, barely touching 4 figure of your moolah.