
01 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Dear reader of Malaysia Motoring News, Happy New Year 2012. May the new year bring the best out of us, put the best in us and be the best among us. Together, let's put 2011 in the history book, be it sweet or shit. 2012 is the new chapter and is a clean sheet.

Why an old photo you ask? This is R25 Renault F1, admittedly not the latest 2011, or let alone the 2012 challenger. Well, it is the historic car for Renault, as one of its championship winner.

Same story here. Deep in my heart, the car wearing this livery from that region of years is related to my engineering past. Looking at this photo, I feel the real me again. It bring back the motivation to be, well, successful once again.

However, anything we faced brought in maturity, which makes us better and becoming an all-rounder to live this life (and after life) as effectively as we can. It also show us the biggest picture of life, where, what once was our ambition, is just a small element among other thing that makes up this life. Only then, we will know what really matters to us, and what that actually bring happiness to us.

Well, enough of dwelling here. Thanks to all my reader. This blog started in mid 2011 as a mere hobby, as a means to channeled the thirst in writing and a passion in automotive engineering (a field which I totally left behind now), but now is a key component in my future life. Do expect some expansion in 2012!

Happy new year 2012!