
29 May 2012

It is official good bye - Syed Zainal resigned from Proton

Proton has released an official statement, confirming the resignation of Datuk Seri Syed Zainal Abidin from the national car maker. It has been rumoured since the aftermath of DRB-Hicom takeover that the Proton supremo is going to pursue another interest. This is also broadcasted in TV3's Buletin Utama minutes ago.

Proton official statement also mentioned the resignation of Chief Financial Officer, En. Azhar Othman. No news yet on where Syed Zainal is going to land next, but rest assured, this kind of people are clearly in the 'talent pool' of capable Malaysian, and surely will be continuously in the frame as far as Malaysia progression is concerned.

Syed Zainal has been with Proton for six years, or from January 2006 to be precise. I still remember vividly sometimes in 2005 when I went for some job interview to quit Proton, when the interviewer asked me if I want to wait for a while for Syed Zainal to take reign of Proton, to wait if it will bring a positive mood to Proton whole operational activity. Indeed I stayed, and indeed it was a correct decision. Syed Zainal was the best leader ever exist in Proton. No point to elaborate this anymore, as many of post before were clearly signalling my respect to him. But I left anyway some years later. But, for me, Syed Zainal is of the most charismatic MD ever. Just go google to find the video of his speech during the launch of Proton Exora, and you won't find many MD that possesses the same aural presence!

So DSZ, thanks for giving us the booted Gen2, thanks for giving us the rakyat's car new Saga BLM, thanks for bringing down the entry price to the MPV class, and finally thanks for bringing Italdesign Giugiaro in Malaysian car design landscape.

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