
09 August 2012

Off Topic - Japan Part II - the Kani

MMN author is in Japan again, sadly not due to any new car launch invitation, but due to some hush-hush company project. Today is the last day of the business trip. It's an inevitable end to the trip as next week is Japan's summer break where most companies will be shut down. Anyway, just want to share the nice restaurant, located somewhere in Goi, some 15 minutes from Ichihara, Chiba. I don't know what it is called as I speak and read nil in Nihongo, but I think it is called Kani. Kani is crab in Japan, depicted below.

As the name implies, it is all about crab here. At the end of the meal, you'll swear you don't want to see anymore crab for the rest of the year. All cuisines are crabby, even the miso soup. Fortunately the drinks and ice cream are not. Anyway, I've seen a few Toyota 86 down the road in Ichihara, Chiba and Tokyo. But a trip to Toyota showroom yielded no encounter with the Hachiroku, the new Spade is there instead. Maybe it is the wrong showroom as Toyota sells different cars via different outlet. I've seen the new Honda CR-V too, it definitely looks better on the road than on the photo. The new Corolla Axio starts to roam the road too. Well, the Kani meals are as below..

 More photos after the jump.

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