
26 April 2013

Proton's name game - Suprima, Esfora, Persada, Idaman, Exia

Proton has filed a slew of potential car name over the years since 2009. Perhaps they are unused or rejected names, but some sound pretty...well, not so clever. Proton Esfora was registered in February 2009, probably meant for the MPV at that time, which eventually named Exora.  Proton Exia and Proton Idaman both were registered in May 2010, they probably was meant for some other model facelift, or reserved for future years. Proton Idaman was registered towards the end of 2011, which probably meant for the P3-21A which eventually name Preve.

Lastly, Suprima name came up a few days ago. Well, same like Inspira, the "malay-ing" of english work into an adapted Bahasa Malaysia is a trend which is quite disturbing. It is the same konklusi, replikasi, dehidarasi...not clever!

However, despite the name, some of Proton cars are quite ok for their price. Do check out our previous Test Drive report on:

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